
The way to understand art is to go and look at it. And if out of a million visitors there is even one to whom art means something, that is enough to justify museums ( Pierre Auguste Renoir)
"Art is a lifetime matter. The best any artist can do is to
accumulate all the knowledge possible of art and its principles, study
nature and practice continually." (Edgar Payne, 1883-1947)

Thursday, December 29, 2011

After Christmas painting session

This was a painting day that wasn't suppose to happen. The Senior Center was originally not going to open the Art room but they decided to... so some of us die-hards showed up to paint.
Carol started this painting today and got a good start on it

Carol taking a picture while I was taking a picture of her

Carol will be adding this bike to her painting

Terri worked on her painting of the sheep crossing

Liz started this painting of her sister's patio in Mexico

Sue worked on her Stonington painting

Sue completed her oil painting "Beets Me"

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Party Time!

 The Plein Air Thursday group had a wonderful Christmas party. We had lots of goodies (we can cook too!)
It was so good to see everyone again after a couple weeks off.  So needless to say it took us awhile to settle down. We had our card swap and what fun we had. Each of us opened and tried to guess who's art work we had. Some of us were better at guessing that others.  Everyone went home with an original piece of art. I managed to take pictures of everyone's art.
Priscilla painted these colorful chickens

Rita painted this beautiful scene of the University gardens in pastel

Gloria painted these 3 playful snowman

Liz painted these Hollyhocks in pastel

Terri painted these colorful card

Nancy painted these flowers in oil

Sue painted this snowman in oil

Gigi painted this beautiful floral scene in watercolor

Sheila painted this adorable snowman in acrylic

Linda painted this beautiful abstract in pastel

Charlene painted this winter scene in  watercolor

Nancy painted these grapes in oil....makes you want to eat one!

Nancy painted this muffin in acrylic

Nancy painted these shore birds in acrylic

Nancy painted these lawn chairs in acrylic

Gail painted this vase of flowers in pastel

Priscilla painted this interior scene in acrylic

Rita hard at work

Liz painted these Hollyhocks in acrylic

Sue painted this christmas ornament in acrylic

Sue painted this scene of her backyard in oil

Sue painted this Maine scene in oil

Carol painted this Cranberry island store in oil

Gigi painted this little song bird

Sheila is holding a painting she is working on

Linda Packard came to visit us. Great to see her!

Terri had a great time at the party

Linda gives Gloria some tips

Charlene cleans up after working on her pastel

Hi Priscilla and Liz

Gigi contemplating her design

Carol says  Pick a brush...any brush...

Rita working on her new pastel

Charlene painted this pastel

Gigi does it again! Wonderful watercolor Gigi

Sue's painting is in progress

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Artist's of PAT group shine

The Plein air Thursday group has it's own princess....Princess Priscilla. Priscilla wore her crown in to the art session today and greeted everyone with sparkles and lights. Wow, that crown is one to envy.
Princess Priscilla painting

Princess Priscilla painting her face.... your suppose
to be painting on the canvas!

Smile, Princess Priscilla

Gigi, Liz and Priscilla discuss Liz's color choices

Nancy finished her oil painting of West Quoddy Head
light house. Wonderful paining, Nancy.

Nancy finished her beautiful pastel..her first pastel!!!!

Sheila painted Bubbles in Acrylic.
This is a fun, happy painting. Great job.

Gigi packs up her winter oil paining. 

Gigi's oil painting that is about to become her Christmas card.
I hope I'm on her card list!

Rita painted this large pastel. The grasses have
wonderful texture and colors. Beautiful.

Sheila painted this acrylic of a beach in the Caribbean.
Makes me want to jump on a plane and go there.

Sheila painted this acrylic of a beach scene in the Caribbean

Liz painted these onions in acrylic. Love the colors!

Priscilla painted this self portrait in Pop-art! Crazy good!

Priscilla painted this scene in acrylic....I think this
might be my chair?!

I finished my oil painting of a house on Campabello

beginning stages of my oil painting of Stonnington

Nancy added more pink to the sky in her oil painting and
the results are fabulous!

Nancy captured this early morning scene
in oil....the reflections bring you right into this painting. Wonderful.

Gloria is painting this old house in oil. It is in the beginning
stages and she has great start on it. You go girl.

Charlene painted this scene of Monhegan. Such a delightful painting

Gail painted this oil and used a fork to make the markings on the
tree. Very interesting and beautiful

Gail finished her painting from last week. The reflections
are wonderful.

Gail painted this pastel of Brussels Sprouts. Who knew
they could be so beautiful?!

Terri painted this painting in acrylic.The scene is from her home
Nice lines and composition, Terri!

Carol is painting this Bangor house. It is a painting in
progress. Great start, Carol

This is a watercolor that Gail did and this week she painted
the same scene in oils. Great job!

My favorite sketch that Gail did. Bank of America envelop
never looked so good!