
The way to understand art is to go and look at it. And if out of a million visitors there is even one to whom art means something, that is enough to justify museums ( Pierre Auguste Renoir)
"Art is a lifetime matter. The best any artist can do is to
accumulate all the knowledge possible of art and its principles, study
nature and practice continually." (Edgar Payne, 1883-1947)

Friday, July 27, 2012

A Little Rain Must Fall

Yes , Plein Air Thursday group had to paint inside this week because of the rain. We're not complaining because it was fun to get together at the Senior Center again. (even though we had to hike the stairs to the third floor).
Sue, Rita and Charlene shared their paintings that they did on Monhegan. Nancy's art is displayed at the Senior Center so we all went down to view the show. Wow, breathtaking, spectacular...the show is fantastic. We all knew that Nancy was talented but seeing her work displayed in one place was very dynamic
The group painted some very beautiful paintings. Here is the results:
Sheila painted Rita's Crocks. The painting is in progress.
This acrylic painting is going to be colorful. Great start Sheila,

Charlene painted this scene using pastels.. The values are
wonderful in this painting. Great Job Charlene!

Sheila painted the scene of our group painting in Rita's
backyard. She used acrylic paint for this wonderful
composition.Can you find yourself in this painting? Love this one, Sheila.

Michelle painted this carton of beets using pastels.  The composition  is
interesting and the beets are a beautiful color. Good Job Michelle.

Liz painted this scene using pastels. The colors are vibrant
with great values. Gail will one this one!

Nancy painted this scene of the road to Gail's cottage in
Hancock. The shadows are exceptional and the light draws the
viewer into this beautiful painted scene. Fabulous, Nancy!

Sue painted this plain air on Monhegan. The road needs to be lighter.The painting is
in prograss.

Rita painted "Pulpit Rock" on Monhegan, plein air. She hiked
to the far side of the island and came away with a wonderful painting.
Beautiful, Rita

Rita painted this scene while on Monhegan Island. The texture
of her strokes make for a very interesting contrast to the smooth
sides of the houses. 

Rita painted this scene out on Monhegan Island. The perspective of this
painting is interesting. Great Job Rita!

Rita painted Monhegan's Scarlet Pimpernel. The rocks are
interesting shapes and colors. Great pastel, Rita 

Sue painted this on Campebello . The fog in the distance
rolled in and there is a black fly painted right into the canvas!

Sue painted this scene using oils. Fish Beach is a popular spot
on Monhegan Island and many artist paint here.

Sue painted this scene of the little house on the island of Manana.
Sue used oils 

Michelle, Rita, Sheila and Liz

Michelle cleaning her pastels.

Sheila listens intently during the critique

Liz and Charlene discuss their paintings.

Rita packing up her paintings

This little beauty was painted by Rita using pastels. The Laundry was
hung out to dry and Rita captured breeze fluttering the clothes. Rita
painted this on Monhegan Island. It's a beauty, Rita

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Garden Extravaganza

Plein Air Thursday group was invited to paint in member Rita's garden. What a delight and a feast for the eyes.
Everyone picked from the many to choose from and began to paint.... Here are the results:
Rita painting in her garden

Priscilla being sneaky

Priscilla painted this watercolor of the wicker chair using
watercolor. The rick-rack plant is contrast to the chair. Wonderful
composition. Great Job Priscilla!

Sheila working on her watercolor

Sheila painted this watercolor of the fire chimney The Lattice
is a great contrast in textures.  Great job, Sheila!

Carol working on her painting

Carol adding just the right color.

Nancy painted this using oils.

Terri and Priscilla pack their belongings

Terri painted this using watercolor. The Textures of the chairs and the
trellis makes for an interesting composition. Wonderful terri!

Charlene and Carol

Nancy painted this using oils. The composition is
strong with complimentary colors. Great Job Nancy!

Charlene painted this Fire pit Chimney using pastels. Painting
on the diagonal makes for a very interesting composition.
Beautiful Charlene!

Rita painting in her garden

Rita painted this composition using pastels. This
painting is in the beginning stages. This is going
to be wonderful, Rita!

Carol painted this garden trellis using acrylic. The
composition is interesting and balanced. The colors are
complimentary and this also is pleasing to the eye.
Beautiful, Carol!

Sue painted this scene using oils. Painting is in progress

I want to thank all my friends of Plein Air Thursday for the wonderful, generous gift. You are so thoughtful.
What a surprise that was! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Plein Air Painting in Hancock

This Thursday the group went to Gail's cottage in Hancock. It was a beautiful day for painting outside, light breeze and in the high 70's. The cottage is right on the water overlooking Young's cove.
We scouted the area and then set up our easels and painted until lunch. We ate lunch on the screened in porch with the sound of the tide lapping against the rocks.
Thanks Gail, for a wonderful time.
Here are some of the paintings that we did.
P.S. Priscilla you escaped before I got a photo of your painting. So Sorry Priscilla.

Terri on the porch painting

Priscilla and Terri having lunch on the porch

One of the views from the porch

Linda, Gail, Priscilla, and Terri

Liz making a phone call

Carol picking up after lunch

Gail sketching

another of the many beautiful views- right view

view to the left of where I was standing

Trees down in the water

Carol checking her phone

Carol painted this view of Gail's cottage through the trees
Carol used watercolors to create this beautiful scene

Carol holding up her paintings Love it, Carol! Like your hat, too.

Carol split the paper in two and did two scenes using

Terri painted this scene using acrylics. The soft effect is
enticing. Great job Terri!

Here is Terri creating her masterpiece.

Linda working on her oil painting

shadows everywhere...beatiful

Priscilla talks to Carol

Gail's watercolor.Beautiful colors in this
painting. Very nice Gail.

This is the view on the right side of the cottage

More of the same view...love the seaweed

rocks and seaweed

Sue sketched this rock with seaweed

Gail, Linda and Liz 

Gail, Linda and Liz

view from the steps

Canoe going by

Gail's mini acrylic...Your doing fine with acrylics. 

Linda's painting of the wooded scene. Beautiful!!!

Liz painted the cottage using pastels. The colors
are bright and beautiful. Great Shadows.

Liz painted the bouquet hanging next to  Gail's door using pastels.
Great colors and soft edges. Wonderful, Liz.

Liz painted this pastel landscape. The painting is in
progress. The red is especially wonderful in this piece.

Sue painted this view using oils.