
The way to understand art is to go and look at it. And if out of a million visitors there is even one to whom art means something, that is enough to justify museums ( Pierre Auguste Renoir)
"Art is a lifetime matter. The best any artist can do is to
accumulate all the knowledge possible of art and its principles, study
nature and practice continually." (Edgar Payne, 1883-1947)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Art and Wine

Art mixes with wine....and we liked it!  Charlene had made some Reisling wine and brought a bottle for us to sample. It was sooooo good. We started the session with a glass and ended the critique with a glass of wine.
With our creative juices flowing we meet the artistic challenge as you will see in the photos in this post.
Gloria and Charlene taste the wine

Charlene's bottles of Reisling...mmmmm yummy!

Gloria worked on her painting from last week. She is
using pastels to paint this scene. The building is
looking wonderful, Gloria. Great job.

Charlene finished this pastel painting of wine bottles
on the window sill. Great composition and the values
she adjusted are now perfect. Fabulous, Charlene

Michelle painted this sheep using pastels. The atmosphere
adds to the quietness of the painting and the lines are
interesting in the composition. Fabulous, Michelle

Michelle painted this mid west landscape using pastels.
The contrast of the colors are complimentary and pleasing to
the eye. Great job, Michelle

carol painted this ocean scene using acrylics. There is lots of
wave action...the viewer almost feels like they will get splashed.
This is Carol's Christmas Card....Fabulous!

Linda did a value study that turned into this very creative
piece. She used pencils to draw this....sing and frame Linda.

Charlene painted this little gem using pastels. The scene is a house
tucked into the hillside on Monhegan. The expectation of the view
of what is over the hill creates an excitement in this painting.
Great Job, Charlene

Sue worked on this oil again this week.  With just a few more tweaks
it just might be done.

Sue started another oil painting. This is a scene of Lubec

Charlene during the critique

Linda, Gloria and Charlene 

Hi Michelle!

Linda Gloria and Charlene during the critique

The line up.

Carol packing up her paintings.

Gloria being funny while Linda and Charlene make a toast

Cheers to Charlene for making such wonderful wine and a Happy Thanksgiving to the Plein Air Thursday group.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Thru Snow, Rain and Sleet...

The first snow fall of the year arrived today and I must say, it did not stifle anybody's creative ability in this group!  We forged on to create some amazing art.
Boxes of Pastels...tools of the trade

Sheila and Charlene...open your eyes Charlene!

Barbara working on her painting

Hi Sheila

Rita, Charlene and Linda discuss Linda's pastel

Linda painted this scene off her own deck. The shadows
are very interesting with the dappled light on the floor.
Beautiful painting, Linda

Charlene painted this pastel of wine bottles in the window . Thee
composition is interesting and the values are beautiful.
Fabulous painting, Charlene!

Sue painted this scene of Asticou Gardens in Northeast Harbor
using oils. Originally painted plein air but finished today in the

Sue painted this scene of Asticou Gardens in Northeast Harbor,
plein air using oils. It was a beautiful fall day with brilliant colors.

Rita finished this painting of Eastport using pastels
The glimpse out the window provides loads of
interest to this painting. The complimentary colors
used beautiful. Fabulous Rita!

Michelle painted this adorable scene using
pastels. The Trick or Treater with his fireman's
outfit evokes a feeling of wonder in this
painting. Wonderful job Michelle!

Gloria is working this painting using pastels. She captured this old
building in Eastport using great values. Fabulous Gloria.
The painting is in progress

Barbara captured this happy little dog and a
butterfly using watercolors. The mood in this
painting can be seen and felt by the viewer.
Wonderful Painting Barbara!

Barbara painted this beautiful watercolor. The use of
negative space is wonderful and lets the viewer fill in
the space. Such a cheery painting for such a rainy day.
Fabulous Barbara!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Yikes, its November!

Today is the first day of November....where did the fall go??? This week the art group was anxious to get started and we had less time since the center was closing early.
We miss Barbara Mallonee...that bronchitis is hard to get rid of. Hope you get well soon.

These are the wonderful painting that were created this afternoon.
Gigi painted this organ grinder and his little monkey, using
oils. Her painting has a happy mood and is very expressive.
Her painting has lots of texture that create the folds in the
clothing. Fabulous Gigi!

Sheila painted this couple using acrylics. She is developing
the shapes with in the portrait. Great start, Sheila.

Charlene drew this scene using pencil. Her drawing is on an
angle that creates interest. Wonderful Charlene!

Sue painted this Monhegan scene using oils. Just a few
more tweeks and it will be compete.

Michelle painted this beautiful Island scene using pastels. Michelle's
use of various colors in the water made the painting very interesting,
and expressive.  Fabulous Michelle!

Linda painted this scene using pastels. The horizontals and
verticals in this painting make for a very interesting composition.
This is going to be a real beauty.....Great job, Linda

Rita created this pastel with a wonderful composition!
The colors are bright and vivid. Rita is not quite finished
with this but it will be frame worthy when she completes it. Wonderful Rita!

(LtoR) Linda, Michelle and Charlene

Sheila holding her painting.

Hi Rita!!!!

Charlene looking over her drawing.

Virginia and Gigi packing up for the day.