
The way to understand art is to go and look at it. And if out of a million visitors there is even one to whom art means something, that is enough to justify museums ( Pierre Auguste Renoir)
"Art is a lifetime matter. The best any artist can do is to
accumulate all the knowledge possible of art and its principles, study
nature and practice continually." (Edgar Payne, 1883-1947)

Monday, September 30, 2013

September went by in a flash

Warm September weather is upon us and painting outside is so much fun. Thursday was the only day that was rainy this week...so we painted inside at the Senior Center.
Fall is such a busy time for everyone that we are not getting the numbers to painting group but there is a few of us that come no matter what.
Speedy recovery go out to Priscilla...hopefully you'll be able to make it to painting soon.
Charlene, Rita and Terrie just returned from a trip to Italy....can't wait to hear the details!

Sheila is painting her grandson using watercolors.  He is sitting on a rock in the backyard.  Such a cute
painting. This painting is in progress. So far it is wonderful!

Sheila painted this bleached out crab shell washed up on the beach, using watercolors. The colors in the rocks
are  beautiful and look wet. The rock color enhance the weathers crab shell. Fabulous Sheila! 

Gigi painting with acrylics.

Sheila packing up her things.

Gigi painted this abstract landscape using pastels. Her color choices are bright and capture
the viewer. The abstract quality is intriguing and inviting. Beautifully done, Gigi!

Gigi painted this woodland scene using pastels. The quality of the line work in this
painting is wonderful. The light in the distance draws the viewer into the painting.
Fabulous. Gigi!

Gigi painted this rainy city street using pastels. The abstract quality of this painting is interesting and fun. Beautiful colors, and wonderful composition... Love it. Gigi!

Gigi painted the same city street using acrylics. Her loose strokes make this painting interesting and the
composition is lovely. Great Job, Gigi

Sue painted this Hampden river scene using acrylics...the painting is in progress.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

The trio does it again

This week at plein air painting we had a small group. Sue went out and painted in the park across the street and Gigi and Linda stayed in the Senior Center to finish some projects.
  Here are the results.
Linda painted this fall leaf on the evergreen. She used pastels to
complete this little beauty. Great values in this paining and the point of interest
is very clear. Beautiful Linda!

Linda painted this ocean scene using pastels. The foggy atmosphere and the rocks makes the piece look hazy. The
water is choppy and has lots of movement. Beautiful job, Linda!

Gigi brought in these adorable bird houses and she painted them in acrylics....Great job Gigi!

The patriotic colors of these bird houses will make a great garden addition to Gigi's back yard.

The rough seas and the colorful sky makes this painting sing. Gigi painted this using pastels. Love the motion in the
water and the clouds. Fabulous, Gigi!

Even the backside of these bird houses are great. Thanks Gigi for bring them in.
Love them!

Gigi painted this night scene using pastels. The barn is reflected in light from the
outside light. The dark doors are inviting and mysterious.  Gigi's use of color
and her hand made paper gives the piece a textural element. Fabulous Gigi!

Linda painted this piece of granite using pastels. The painting is in progress.
Can't wait to see the finished product!

The critique line up.

Linda organizes her pastels

Gigi packs up her things after the painting session.

Sue painted this scene en plein air. It was across the street in the park. The title is " A Place to Meet"
as there is a plaque that describes this historic spot in Bangor
This is and 11 X 14  oil on canvas

Sue Painted this en plein air in Bar Harbor. The colorful umbrellas captured here are at the Bar Harbor Inn.
This piece is  8 X 10 acrylic

Sue painted this piece from a photo of  Lubed near West Quoddy Head light. The painting is titled
"The lavender path"

Monday, September 9, 2013

Back to School and back to creative projects

Guess who painted so quickly we couldn't keep up with her??? Yes, Gigi does it again. She consistently produces these beautiful paintings at a remarkable rate...Very difficult to keep up with her!
Carol worked on several paintings and concentrated on her Christmas card.....planning early keeps the printer happy!

Gigi painted this scene on pastel paper that she made! Her strokes  are beautiful and she
created this colorful summer scene. Fabulous, Gigi!

Gigi painted this pastel on her hand prepared paper. The strokes of the underpainting show
thru and give the painting lots of interest. The composition of these painting is
wonderful. Another fabulous painting by Gigi!

Gigi painted this ocean scene using pastels. The colors are exciting and the movement of the
water captures the viewer. Beautiful!

Carol painted this sailing scene using pastels. Her dark, quick strokes bring
movement to the water. The sense of the wind is felt by the full sails.
Who will win the race?   Great composition and color.Beautiful!!!!

Carol painted this lobster man trying to get the tree home....I think this is a keeper for
your christmas card!   Nice color and values.

Sue did some sketches of  Patty Murphy's Pub

Looking up is the skyline of Bangor captured by Sue

The Reverend Noble Pub never looked so good...Sue sketched this in preparation
for "Paint Banor Day"

Gigi working hard!

Carol painting with pastels

This could by her christmas card!

Carol adding the finishing touches.

Gigi painted this rushing water using pastels on the paper she prepared. Love the stokes she used for the
rushing water. Very active and interesting. Another beauty by Gigi!

The lineup for the critique