
The way to understand art is to go and look at it. And if out of a million visitors there is even one to whom art means something, that is enough to justify museums ( Pierre Auguste Renoir)
"Art is a lifetime matter. The best any artist can do is to
accumulate all the knowledge possible of art and its principles, study
nature and practice continually." (Edgar Payne, 1883-1947)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Cascade Park calls us

Linda Packard's plein air class finally make it outside. The weather cooperated and it was a perfect day.
Even though we did not have a full class those that attended did some wonderful work.
instructor Linda finds a good spot to paint

Mike found his spot under a shady tree

Sheila scopes out her spot

Michelle see trees to paint

Rita begins her painting

Michelle beautiful rendition of the park bench

These trees were drawn by Michelle. Incredibly beautiful.

Sheila painted the fountain and captured the splashing water. So
great....and refreshing.

Nancy's drawing is as beautiful as her finished painting. Frame that one, Nancy.

Nancy's finished painting that she did with palette knives and 3 colors. Wow.
Just wonderful.

Sue's painting of the Salmon Club on the river

Linda begins critique

Linda giving good feedback

Rita painted this building and it is so much better than the real thing!!!

Sheila and Michelle listen to Linda during the critique period.

Michelle begins to draw the little bridge

Rita, Sheila, Michelle and Linda.
The end of a beautiful day at Cascade Park

June 31

LInda's class was rained out but that didn't stop us from painting.
Gail painted this pastel of a vase of flowers

Fred painted the table full of vases

Rita finished the painting from last week of the riverfront

Rita painted this scene of the downtown from the window

Fred captured the train tracks

Terri did a thumb nail of a box of eggs

Sue tried her had at oils with this vase of flowers

The class during the critique. Gail, Priscilla, Michelle and  Fred
Back row, Gloria, Charlene, Terri and Rita

Instructor Linda during the critique

Fred paints a beautiful arrangement of flowers

Gloria painted this bottle with flowers

Charlene finished a painting of the waterfront from last week

Charlene painted a bottle of wine and a vase of flowers

Charlene's thumbnail

Michelle's drawing of a gourd

Michelle painted this downtown building

Priscilla painted this vase of flowers in Acrylic

Gail painted the view of the craft paint on the shelf

Gail, Priscilla, Terri, Rita, Michelle and Fred during critique

Instructor Linda gives the finer points of interest during the critique