
The way to understand art is to go and look at it. And if out of a million visitors there is even one to whom art means something, that is enough to justify museums ( Pierre Auguste Renoir)
"Art is a lifetime matter. The best any artist can do is to
accumulate all the knowledge possible of art and its principles, study
nature and practice continually." (Edgar Payne, 1883-1947)

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Creativity abounds!

Thursday Plein Air Group meet on Thursday 10/17/11 and creativity was a-buzzin' in the room. Lots of different mediums were used and the results are fantastic. See below

Gigi painted this pastel that was so beautiful.

Gigi painted her first oil...WOW!

Sheila used pastel over acrylic which resulted in this fantastic painting.

Charlene painted this Monhegan cottage in oil. What a wonderful painting!

Gloria is back! She started this oil painting...can't wait to see the finished painting

Gail painted her Grandaughter...after starting this many years ago. This is wonderful!

Priscilla painted "Gigi the artist". She used acrylic and  is finding this is her medium..Great Job!

Priscilla painted this 6X6 in acrylic and no matter how you view it  the composition is still wonderful!

Rita was busy painting this pastel and made lots of texture in the grasses and it made for a very interesting painting.

Rita used her pastels on this painting to bring out the beautiful color.

Monhegan view by Rita. Deepening the color of the water made all the difference in this painting.

Rita painted this in pastel..What a lovely tree!

Carol used oils to paint this Maine scene. I love the water!

Liz is back after a summer break. I love the interior of this painting. She used acrylic on this painting.

Nancy amazes us every time. She just started this oil painting and you can already see that it is going to be fantastic. Great bones make for a great painting! Wonderful!

Gail adjust her load...now how is she going to carry a wet painting???

Hi Rita. Rita packs up all her beautiful paintings.

Gail solved the dilemma. Tri-City Pizza box!!!!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Creativity abounds

This week at the Plein Air Thursday class was astounding..The level of creativity ramped up and everyone outdid themselves...see below
Monhegan  Pastel
by Rita

Pastel by Rita

Monhegan wash day
pastel by Rita

pastel by Rita

The field
pastel by Rita

Mananna by Rita

Monhegan cottage
Oil by Sue

Under the Liiac tree
In progress...oil by Sue

Gail's big work - oil

Monhegan House
oil  in progress
 by Charlene

On the Hill
oil in progress
by Carol

Pastel by Nancy

Oil in progress
 by Nancy

Mixed Media
by Sheila

by Priscilla

Sheila painted this scene of Cascade Park

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Rain, Rain, go away!

Hi Plein air artist friends,
This Thursday is the first day of our fall season and yes it is raining. We are meeting in the Senior Center on Hammond St. on Thursdays at 1pm-4pm.
Not everyone was available today but several showed up to paint. Here is the results of their work in progress.
Nancy was painting this scene today...Looking good Nancy!

Sheila was painting this beautiful Autumn scene. Lovely reflections Sheila.

Charlene was painting the beautiful pastel of a home on Monhegan.
Love the colors!

Rita painted this pastel on Monhegan and was doing some adjusting
Great perspective on this on, Rita.

Rita painted this pastel of Monhegan..Just love the colors
you used.