
The way to understand art is to go and look at it. And if out of a million visitors there is even one to whom art means something, that is enough to justify museums ( Pierre Auguste Renoir)
"Art is a lifetime matter. The best any artist can do is to
accumulate all the knowledge possible of art and its principles, study
nature and practice continually." (Edgar Payne, 1883-1947)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Artist's of PAT group shine

The Plein air Thursday group has it's own princess....Princess Priscilla. Priscilla wore her crown in to the art session today and greeted everyone with sparkles and lights. Wow, that crown is one to envy.
Princess Priscilla painting

Princess Priscilla painting her face.... your suppose
to be painting on the canvas!

Smile, Princess Priscilla

Gigi, Liz and Priscilla discuss Liz's color choices

Nancy finished her oil painting of West Quoddy Head
light house. Wonderful paining, Nancy.

Nancy finished her beautiful pastel..her first pastel!!!!

Sheila painted Bubbles in Acrylic.
This is a fun, happy painting. Great job.

Gigi packs up her winter oil paining. 

Gigi's oil painting that is about to become her Christmas card.
I hope I'm on her card list!

Rita painted this large pastel. The grasses have
wonderful texture and colors. Beautiful.

Sheila painted this acrylic of a beach in the Caribbean.
Makes me want to jump on a plane and go there.

Sheila painted this acrylic of a beach scene in the Caribbean

Liz painted these onions in acrylic. Love the colors!

Priscilla painted this self portrait in Pop-art! Crazy good!

Priscilla painted this scene in acrylic....I think this
might be my chair?!

I finished my oil painting of a house on Campabello

beginning stages of my oil painting of Stonnington

Nancy added more pink to the sky in her oil painting and
the results are fabulous!

Nancy captured this early morning scene
in oil....the reflections bring you right into this painting. Wonderful.

Gloria is painting this old house in oil. It is in the beginning
stages and she has great start on it. You go girl.

Charlene painted this scene of Monhegan. Such a delightful painting

Gail painted this oil and used a fork to make the markings on the
tree. Very interesting and beautiful

Gail finished her painting from last week. The reflections
are wonderful.

Gail painted this pastel of Brussels Sprouts. Who knew
they could be so beautiful?!

Terri painted this painting in acrylic.The scene is from her home
Nice lines and composition, Terri!

Carol is painting this Bangor house. It is a painting in
progress. Great start, Carol

This is a watercolor that Gail did and this week she painted
the same scene in oils. Great job!

My favorite sketch that Gail did. Bank of America envelop
never looked so good!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Painting with friends

Thursday painting group was very productive. Some painted with oils, some painted in acrylic, and some painted in pastels. The results  were varied and wonderful.

Nancy's palette knife painting is rich with texture. Fabulous Nancy!

Gigi sets up to begin painting

Gigi's first oil painting. This path draws the viewer right into the painting. Great Job.

Gigi painted this with oils...her new favorite medium. Lovely

Gigi painted this in oils...my camera did not
 do it justice because it is a beautiful piece

Gigi painted the fields in "The County". Great color!

Rita painted this field with a stream running through it. This is Rita's
first attempt  at using oils. Great job Rita!

I finished my painting this week. Yeah!

Carol painted this scene of her sister's boat with a palette knife.
Great job Carol!

The wreath that almost didn't make it.....Carol painted
this wreath to use on her painting above.

Gail painting is in progress. She is working on the reflections.
Looking good Gail.

This small painting was painted in Acrylic by Priscilla's using
a new technique (painting upside down) Great job.

Gloria's oil painting is in progress. She is working on
painting this dilapidated building. It coming along nicely, Gloria.

Rita is in the beginning stages of this oil painting of
downtown Bangor. I know this is going to be a beauty!

Gail painted this on Yupo paper using watercolors. Really unique.

Gail prepared this canvas and named it "night". Can't wait
to see what she paints on this.

I started this painting and need to do lots of work on it. I'll repost when it's done.

I started another oil painting but had to stop at this point because it was
too wet. I will repost next week when it is finished.

Charlene borrowed the photo of this from me and proceeded
to paint this beautiful painting. It is so fun to compare the
different styles of the artists

Nancy, this sky is fabulous....and you painted this one
upside down! Wow!

Rita discusses her painting

Shirley hangs her paintings for critique.

Gail. she's gonna hate for this one!

Liz painted this group of red onions using acrylics. I will be anxious
to see this completed. Should be great!

Shirley used pastel on paper to get this soft effect. Bring this
back next week so we can see it finished.

Shirley painted these happy  little flowers using pastels.  I think
you need to write a children's book and illustrate it.

The group in discussion during the critique.