
The way to understand art is to go and look at it. And if out of a million visitors there is even one to whom art means something, that is enough to justify museums ( Pierre Auguste Renoir)
"Art is a lifetime matter. The best any artist can do is to
accumulate all the knowledge possible of art and its principles, study
nature and practice continually." (Edgar Payne, 1883-1947)

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Plein Air Thursday Group

The group has a new member, Patsy Peaderson. I know Patsy from way back but didn't knew she painted. She and her husband, Chris, live in my neighborhood. Be sure to introduce yourself to Patsy when you see her.  Welcome  aboard Patsy!

New Flash: We are planning a trip to the Farnsworth Museum next Thursday Nov. 6th. We will be meeting at the Senior Center at 10am. Be sure to let me know if you want to attend. We will be going out to lunch either before or after.

Call to artists: Harlow Art Gallery in Hallowell is having a show tired Holiday Hodgepodge. You do not need to be a member to participate. Non-members can submit one piece and members can submit two pieces. All media are eligible,including fine crafts, original hand-pulled prints, photography and sculpture. Vintage or antique original art welcome too.
Please go the their web site , Facebook profile or Facebook page.
  Harlow Gallery
160 Water Street
Hallowell, Me. 04347
(207) 622-3813

No giclees or reproductions please, all work must be original
Sunday, Nov. 30th 12-4 or Monday . Dec.1, 12-6 drop off art work
Wednesday Dec 3, 5-8 Opening reception (potluck) please bring a beverage or dish to share
Dec. 3-13, 2014 Hodepodge on view
Sunday Dec. 14, 12-3 or Monday Dec 15, pick up unsold work 12-6pm

Terrie is back from her trip....ask her about her adventure.

Below are the painting that we did today.
Our Gigi 

Terrie working on her painting

Welcome Patsy!

Nancy painted this scene of Acadia using oils. The lights and darks are so beautiful. The shadows in the road
are lovely as will as the trees. Nancy you are the Queen of Light and Shadows! Fabulous job!

Gigi painted this painting of Jazz famous Miles Davis. Gigi is very expressive and captures the  movement
and excitement in her paintings. You can even see the sweat dripping from his brow! Wonderful Gigi!

Gigi painted this floral using acrylics. Her use of acrylics is unique in that she uses them like she was
painting in waterccolor. Hence she has lots of variations of color. Great job, Gigi!

Patsy painted this still-life using acrylics. Her colorful approach is joyous to
see. The cool neutral background really sets of this painting. Wonderful, Patsy!

Sue painted this using acrylics. She titled the painting" Glenice's Daliahs"
Her goal was to paint loosely.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Holding the Fort Down

Hi to my artist friends. I want to tell you that there is painting on Thursdays at the Senior Center. I know that many commitments get in the way but I want you to know that we are thinking of you and sincerely hope you return to our painting group.We miss you all!
This Thursday there were just two of us....Gigi and myself...hardly enough to take the time to write a blog but I am determined to continue.
Gigi painted this scene using acrylics. The tilted angles of the house suggest that it is an old Maine house and is a bit weathered. The flowers in the foreground are warm and invites the viewer into the painting. Fabulous Gigi!

Sue finished this acrylic painting from last week.
This painting is from the week before and is Gigi's. Love the loose style that she has as well
 as the colorful depiction of the flowers. Fabulous Gigi

Sue started this acrylic painting of Corea and was having some issues with the reflections, and the coolness of the rocks.

Nancy painted this beautiful bouquet using oils. The colors and deep and inviting. The shadows are soft and beautiful.The light is strong and reflective. This is Fantastic, Nancy!
I just might have to try my hand at this painting.

The tools of the trade

Sheila painted this interior scene using watercolor. This painting is still in progress.....I love it so far, Sheila!

Sheila busy at work

Sheila painted this scene of a waterfall using watercolors. She is still working on this piece which has lots of interesting
things happening. The rocks are beautiful. Keep up the great work, SheilaA!