As the wintery weather pounds the area with snow the Plein Air Thursday group continued to a paint.
Here are the results.
Rita is in the process of painting this Italian street scene using pastels. She has a great start on this blocking in all the main parts. The colorful buildings create a sense of depth . Can't wait to see the finished painting! Beautifully done, Rita. |
Nancy is in the process of painting this beautiful winter scene. The shadows on the snow are rendered with color and precision. The light on the bank draws the eye to the back of the painting and around again. Fabulous, Nancy! |
Patsy is painting strawberries using acrylic. The background is colorful but does not distract from the subject. This painting is a copy of a Renoir. Looks great, Patsy. Can't wait to see the finished paining. |
Sheila did this sketch using graphite. Her perportions are good and the next thing will be shading. Great job, Sheila!