This final week in January had the Plein Air Painters group painting some of their best works. Enthusiasm was high as we finished this months paintings.
We had a visitor.....Michelle Walker! IT was so good to see her after her long hiatus. Hopefully she will come back and paint with us. We missed you Michelle!
We also missed some of our fellow artists this week...Gloria, Charlene, Fred, Sheila, Terrie and Priscilla.
We wish Priscilla a very speedy recovery from her foot surgery. WE MISS YOU!
Gigi painted these Lobster Boeys hung on the line, in oil
Very good use of color |
Linda's painted her dog,Alice. This was her
first pastel....How beautiful! |
I (Sue) painted these watering cans in pastel. The painting
is in progress. |
Rita painted this scene of Heron nests in pastel. She
added some shadows that completed this beautiful painting.
Great job Rita! |
Rita is working on this wooded scene using pastels as
her medium. She has brought lots of interest along the path.
This is going to be a beauty. |
Liz started this scene of a home in Stonington using acrylics.
The perspective is interesting and inviting. This will be
a strong painting. Can't wait to see the finished version! |
Gail has painted this scene on Yupo paper using watercolors. You are
amazing Gail. This painting is SWEET! |
Gail painted this on Yupo also. Wow, The Master painting
a master! Great job. |
Nancy painted this "bunch of boats" using oils. This composition
is very interesting with all the shapes bunched together. The
reflections are fabulous as is the painting! |
Nancy continues to amaze us all with her oil paintings. This
is a gorgeous scene that invites you in and makes you want to
never leave. Great color usage....wonderful perspective
interesting composition. I could go on and on. |
The line up for our critique |
Gigi discusses her painting during the critique |
Linda, Liz and Gail during critique |
Me,pointing out the great job Rita did on her pastel |
Me, again during the critique |
Gail and Carol in discussion |
Linda and Gail |
Our Gigi |
The line up of paintings is being discussed during the critique
session....that's me! |
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