
The way to understand art is to go and look at it. And if out of a million visitors there is even one to whom art means something, that is enough to justify museums ( Pierre Auguste Renoir)
"Art is a lifetime matter. The best any artist can do is to
accumulate all the knowledge possible of art and its principles, study
nature and practice continually." (Edgar Payne, 1883-1947)

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Spring brings a surprise

The weather is cool and the trees are starting to leaf and the flowers are pushing up out of the ground, spring is here. Spring fever was definitely felt in the painting session today. Before you view the wonderful art that was produced today, I want to tell you that Barbara Mallonee is now a member of our group and will be coming to paint with us. Welcome, Barbara!
"The Bubble" painted by Sue. Needs more work.

after a few adjustments.... 

Carol painted this watercolor with great expression. Love the colors.

Here's Carol with her watercolor paper.

Charlene and Rita prepare for critique.

Gail is working on her pastels

No caption needed. Thanks Carol!

Gigi between paintings.

Hi Barbara Mallonee

Michelle painted this rock formation in pastels.
Beautiful, Michelle

Rita painted this scene using pastels. She eliminated the tree on the left side
for composition reasons. It is a beautiful piece.

Nancy did these drawings to help her figure out her next painting.
I thin the group voted for the one on the right. Can't wait to see this one. 

Priscilla painted this scene on yupo paper using watercolors.
This is her first experience using Yupo and she did a great job.

Priscilla's painting on Yupo. Beautiful colors and shapes. Love the
abstract quality.

Gail painted this sweeping view with the Tent using pastels.
Nicely done Gail.

Gail painted these leaves using pastels.Great choice in colors
and the composition is great.

Gail painted this scene in pastel.Great sky and beautifully done !

Charlene painted this Monhegan home using pastels. The composition is
wonderful and the painting is a gem!

Gigi painted these fire plants using oil on watercolor paper.
This is a beautiful painting with the right amount of lights
and darks ...Kudos to Gigi

Gigi painted this scene using oil paining on watercolor paper. The mood
in this painting of a warm summer day...you captured it, Gigi.

Priscilla, Charlene, Liz

Michelle and Gail

Rita with Tasha doing the critique.

Gigi after a long day of painting.

Having a Senior Moment!

I apologize for not posting the paintings from last Thursdays painting session.  But better late than never.

Michelle painted this field using pastels. I love the action in the grasses.
Beautiful, and moody.Wonderful job Michelle!

Michelle hard at work with Priscilla in the back working on her painting

Priscilla painted this of her friend during a Tri -Athalon using   water color. This painting shows
action. The background is wonderful. Great Job Priscilla!

Carol painted these mexican dresses using watercolor. This is a new medium
for Carol but it hasn't stopped her from producing a lively
and colorful painting. Great Carol!

Nancy painted this Teddy using oils.This painting is for
her daughter and this was her favorite toy! The coloration on the sheets is
wonderful. and the Teddy, well you just want to pick him up and hug him.
Fabulous painting, Nancy!

This is the beginning sketches of Gigi's painting. Gigi used oils
and is in the progress of painting.See the picture below.

Here you can see Gigi's photo that she is working from. I think this is going to be
a winner Gigi. Great start!

Gail painted this scene using watercolor pencils. The red
foliage adds a complimentary color to the painting and
makes it sing. Love it Gail !

Here is Gail working in watercolor pencils...having fun!

Gigi is hard at work. You can just see the concentration on her

Michelle is painting with pastels. 

Priscilla prepares some boards for painting.
Smile Priscilla!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Thursday is painting day

This weeks renderings show the wide range of creativity of this group. Many different mediums are explored with complexity and inventiveness. 
You be the judge...

Rita painted this piece using pastels. Her use of yellow has a unifying effect  that
brings this painting to life. 

Rita used color and light to make this painting sing. The warm colors in the seaweed
invite the viewer to take a closer look. Beautiful.

Nancy was tapping into her creative powers and made a
block cut out on linoleum. Next week she'll bring in some prints
from this. Very innovative.

Michelle painted with pastel this week and this simple composition becomes
powerful by her use of color. Great Job Michelle

Nancy captured these radishes on a 6 X 6 canvas using
oil paints. Her composition is well balanced The painting of the
cloth is remarkable. Fabulous.

Sheila painted this scene using watercolors. She is using some ink in the process which is evident
in the tree and the fence. This painting is in progress. Wonderful 

This floral was painted by Rita using pastels. This photo does not do justice to the
magnificent colors Rita used to express them.

Nancy painted this scene using watercolors. This is a new medium for her and
she mastered it quite nicely. Hope to see more watercolors from you, Nancy.

Carol is back using oils this week. Last week she painted this same scene in watercolor.
The colors she has used are vibrant and alive. Great start Carol and can't wait to see the
finished piece.

Charlene painted this California scene using pastels. Her use of color and composition is
captivating. The scene is inviting and draws the viewer in. Beautiful.

Gail tapped into her creative side with this abstract painting using pastels.
The colors are exciting and her composition using linear and circular expressions are
very interesting. Kudos's to you Gail.

Gail painted these trees using pastels on a prepared surface.Her use of
color is very expressive and inventive and it made for exciting painting.

Gail painted this abstract using pastels on a prepared surface. The colors are
brilliant and lively. Another gem.

This is a different medium for Gail. She used watercolor pencils to
form the rocks . Her use of color is wonderful.

Terri painted this scene using acrylics. She has used warm and cool colors to
bring the viewer into the painting. Her varied shades of green holds the interest
of the viewer. This painting is in progress. Great job Terri.

Gail and Michelle discuss the finer points of painting.

Rita painted this scene using pastels. The photo does not do justice to the brilliance of the the colors
she has used. This painting is in progress.  Great job Rita.

The group during the critique.
Michelle, Gail , Carol and Terri

Rita with her new family member Tasha. Adorable!


Rita and Sheila working hard

This sketch of a biker is by Priscilla. She will be painting this in
acrylic. Great start Priscilla.( sorry for the photo quality)

Terri contemplating her color choices.

Priscilla after a busy afternoon of sketching.

Carol is hard at work.

Charlene is in the midst of her pastel painting while Gail and
Rita are discussing art .

My Oil painting of Black Head is in progress.