Back on the art room creating masterpieces. All is right with the universe.
It seems that the Plein Air Thursday group is back in numbers after a few weeks of low attendance.
This week, Liz reported that she is moving to Rockport/Camden area. We miss her already.We hope she visits us regularly.
Charlene has her daughter visiting and will be back in a couple of weeks.
Here are the photos from this session:
Sheila holding her watercolor |
Sheila painted this scene using watercolors. The reflections are beautiful and the warm fall colors are inviting. She
will be adjusting the land on the left to ground the tree and add a water line. Her composition is interesting with lots of angles and horizontals to break up the landscape. Great Job, Sheila! |
Sheila discusses her watercolor with Rita |
Gigi painted this Monhegan landscape using acrylics. The house belongs to Jamie Wyeth and is often a subject to paint.
Gigi loose brush strokes makes for an interesting version. The foreground trees and flowers break up the scene
and add more interest. Gigi will be adding more flowers to the foreground. This is a keeper, Gigi! Love it! |
Gigi painted this scene using acrylics. The wet street scene is bustling with life and action. Her loose strokes are lively
and varied. The trees are in contrast to the wet street. This colorful depiction has great brushwork, great use of color,
and a fabulous composition. Fabulous Gigi! |
Gigi painted this Lobster man using acrylics. She captured him working and hauling the traps. The composition is
interesting and inviting. The yellow sky is beautiful as is the water. Gigi knows how to say a lot with using few strokes, something that is very difficult to do. Another Fabulous painting, Gigi! |
Priscilla painted this scene using acrylics. The dogs out stretched paws tells the viewer that the dog is running. The background is abstract in juxtaposition with the solid dog figure. Her triadic color approach is calming and
gives the painting an painterly quality. Love this one, Priscilla. Great job! |
Speaking of Triadic color this pastel painting by Michelle is very dimensional. The blue, purple and yellow colors add a
simplicity to this painting. The large mountains appear to recede to the background and the dark form of lower ridges
comes to the forefront. The lights of the town reflect the beautiful yellow sky. This is a fabulous pastel, Michelle! |
Nancy painted this fall scene using oils. The cool colors of the water is in the foreground and is rendered beautifully.
The golden light in this painting draws the viewer into the painting and the angles of the shoreline keeps the
viewer's eye moving around throughout the painting. Great composition. Fabulous Nancy! |
Sue painted this Bay Side backyard using acrylics. This painting is in progress. |
Rita painted this Italian waterfront scene using pastels. The composition of this painting is
very interesting with the varied shapes. Her use of color is effective. The pink of the boat is
reflected in the colors of the buildings. This painting is in progress. So far it's beautiful Rita! |
The Critique lineup |
Priscilla, Gigi and Rita discuss the paintings in the critique |
Michelle contemplates a comment during the critique. |