
The way to understand art is to go and look at it. And if out of a million visitors there is even one to whom art means something, that is enough to justify museums ( Pierre Auguste Renoir)
"Art is a lifetime matter. The best any artist can do is to
accumulate all the knowledge possible of art and its principles, study
nature and practice continually." (Edgar Payne, 1883-1947)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Artist gather to create

The Plein Air Thursday group gathered today at the Senior Center. We decided to paint inside since the sky was a bit threatening.
The creativity was so exciting in the room today.Some artist created their paintings with oils, some with watercolor, some used pastels and some did sketches with pen.
We did have some visitors to the art room...Kathy Bernier and a tour group of new members. It was fun to show our paintings.
Missing Gigi and wish her a speedy recovery.
We did make a tour of the vault with the mat cutter. Hopefully we can get someone to do a tutorial. We need help.
 Rita and Sue are entering some of their pieces to the Waterville Arts Gallery.
Rita used pastels to create this beautiful ocean scene. The
water is captivating.
Great Job, Rita

Rita painted this scene of the Bangor Waterfront using
pastels and it was painted plain air. Great Job, Rita

Rita used pastels to capture a bit of the downtown architecture.
This is a small but powerful piece. Kudos, Rita

Rita used pastels to paint her garden arbor. The
garden and the painting are beautiful. This was
painted plein air. Lovely!

Rita used pastel to paint this Island of Manana just off
Monhegan. The composition os this piece is strong and Rita used strong
bold strokes that make for an interesting painting. 

Sheila painted this lighthouse using watercolor. This difficult
subject didn't deter Sheila she forged on to create
this beautiful piece. Great job Sheila!

Michelle used pastel to paint these leaves. She sketched them last week
when we were outside near Charlie's garden. Her subtle use of color
creates curves in the leaves and makes for a great composition.
Fabulous, Michelle!

Sheila start this watercolor. She has sketched in the
painting and will be finishing it next week. Great start, Sheila

Nancy put down the first layer on this oil painting. Her underpainting
is already very interesting with the shadows. Hope to see this next week
Great start, Nancy

Nancy painted this farm scene using oils. The soft colors
make for an idilic scene. The Composition is interesting
and inviting. Fabulous, Nancy

Rita painted this using pastels. The cropping of this picture
made for a very nice composition. Rita is entering this
in the Waterville show. Nicely done, Rita

The Cherry Blossoms are in bloom and Rita captured
them using pastels. This is another painting she is
entering in the Waterville show. Beautiful, Rita

This is a pastel that Rita painted. The composition is
unique with the low horizon line. She is entering this
one in the Waterville show. 

Rita painted this ocean scene using pastels. She is entering
this in the Waterville show. This is wonderful, Rita

Sue painted this downtown scene using oils. She started this
last week and it is now finished

Stonington is the scene and Sue is painting this using oils.
Painting is in progress.

Rita getting ready for critique.

Sheila and Michelle discussing a painting during the critique.

Michelle and Sheila looking over the mat cutter during out field trip to the vault.

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