Our group meet this week with the eternal hope of spring and warm temps. IT is spring but the temps are not cooperating. How are we going to paint outside with 30 mile/hr winds and 50 degree temps?
We are not....but we have this great place to paint so we need to be grateful for that.
This week the paintings are very eclectic with color and creativity.
I am adding the information for our Art Show at the end of this blog post...so be sure to scroll all the
way to the bottom. Also bring in the art work this week,you want to put into the show.
Rita painted this woodland flower, picture plant, using pastels. Beautiful
color choice as well as composition. Great job Rita! |
Rita painted this scene using pastels. Her reflections are beautiful in the calm waters.
Lots of beautiful colors. Beautiful Rita! |
Gail painted these Brussels Sprouts growing in the roof top garden. Her color
choice is luscious and the interesting composition is delightful! Fabulous, Gail! |
Carol painted this scene using acrylics. Her loose strokes are beautiful and the reflections
are varied and interesting. Beautiful, Carol! |
Gloria painted this corn field using pastels. The perspective is very interesting as the viewer feels like they are laying
in the cornfield. Beautiful, Gloria! |
Michelle painted this winter scene of melting snow on the river. The ice on the trees in the background are beautiful
and the color combinations are very interesting. Great Job, Michelle! |
Sheila painted this can of brushes using watercolor. Her composition with the brushes
off the page makes for high interest. Fabulous, Sheila! |
Liz painted this still-life using acrylics. The reflections are beautiful in this very difficult painting.
Her color choices are wonderful. Beautiful Liz! |
Sheila painted this colander using acrylics. Her bright color choices are interesting and beautiful.
Fabulous job on those very difficult reflections, Sheila. |
Sue has just begun this painting using acrylics. Painting is in progress. |
Gigi painted this blue woman using acrylics. This fun and eclectic painting is very interesting. The
composition is nicely done and the folds in the clothing are dynamic.
Beautiful job Gigi! |
This weeks high stepping gang!
Sheila, Michelle, Carol, Gail, Liz, Gloria
Linda, Rita and Gigi
Thanks for joining us Linda. Come back any time.
Hanging date is THURSDAY, MAY 2ND AT 9AM
It takes about 2 house. If you want to help it would be great.
1. Paintings must be framed or edge painted and have wire or sawtooth hook so we can hang them.
Depending on the size we 25-30 paintings ( my suggestion is 2 painting each artist)
2. Please have each painting tagged on the back with your name, name of painting, medium used, price or NFS(not for sale) and Code assigned. Three initials and a number. Example NAY101
List all art work on the sheet for each artist. Leave at desk with Tracy by April 25th and she will give to Necia so wall tags can be done.
3. You will need to write a bio of yourself. A little about you and how you got into painting etc. Necia will call you the week before and ask you some questions and write it up for you if you find it a problem to do. It needs to fit a 8 X 11 piece of paper.
4.Because of cost to me (Necia) for cards and ink, making copies etc. I am asking each artist to give me $2.00 to help with my cost. I do all of this at home on m computer and it is beginning to run up in cost. I hate to ask but must.
Your reception will be at 2pm on Tuesday, May 7th.
You will need to be there by 1:45pm
Please invite anyone you would like to. Family, friends, art classmates etc. A guest book will be provided for you.
We do light refreshments usually of wine, soda, cheese and crackers. We will have a donation box to help defray cost. We ask you to bring a finger type foods such as cookies, fruit, veggies etc. if you would like to.
We are looking forward to seeing your art work.
Any questions; contact Necia Yates at 884-4514
address: 61 Willowbrook Ln. Levant, Me 04456
email: nay624@roadrunner.com